Europe must invest in its human resources, PM Samaras says
19:19 20/3/2014
- Πηγή: Matrix24
Greece has taken great steps toward reforming its economy in the last 20 months, Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras said here on Thursday, during a press conference after the European Union’s Tripartite Social Summit. He also stressed the need to tackle runaway unemployment, which was especially acute
Samaras was speaking during a joint press conference with European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, European Council President Herman Van Rompuy and representatives of the social partners that attended the summit. In their comments, Barroso and Rompuy praised the Greek EU presidency’s success and its results with respect to the banking union.
Hailing the recent agreement struck with the troika representing Greece’s lenders, Samaras noted that after seven months of ongoing and often difficult negotiations, the result highlighted the great improvements made, with Greece fulfilling basic fiscal targets and implementing radical reforms to improve the competitiveness of its economy.
In his statements, the Greek premier highlighted the achievement of a primary surplus in Greece «after many decades» and said the main target now was to correct mistakes by restoring social cohesion.
With respect to the results of the social summit, Samaras emphasised the need to provide access to liquidity to small and medium-sized enterprises, saying that these would largely provide a solution to the problem of unemployment.
source: ΑΜΝΑ
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