President Papoulias receives interim Egyptian President Adly Mansour
20:10 20/1/2014
- Πηγή: Matrix24
In the joint statements made afterward, Papoulias confirmed Greece’s support to Egypt in this transitional period for the country, noting that it recognizes its leading role in the region.
Papoulias also said that he briefed the interim Egyptian president on the Greek EU Presidency priorities, particularly
Both presidents underlined the high level of bilateral transactions and Greek investments in Egypt, while they also discussed tourism sector cooperation.
The Egyptian president referred to pending legal issues with which Greek investors are faced, noting that the joint economic cooperation committee, that will meet later in the year, will focus on the problem.
Papoulias underlined that the Cyprus issue is a top priority for the Greek foreign policy, noting that the end of the illegal Turkish occupation and the adoption of a solution based on the UN decisions is a firm goal.
He also said that Greece is in favour of a fair and comprehensive solution to the Middle East issue, underlining that the opportunity created by the Geneva peace conference on the crisis in Syria should not be missed. Referring to Iran, he said that the interim agreement on its nuclear programme is a positive development.
The Egyptian president underlined Greece’s important role in the Middle East region and referring on the crisis in Syria he supported a political solution in the context of the Geneva Agreement.
President Papoulias hosted a formal luncheon in honor of his Egyptian counterpart attended by Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, Defence Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos, Development Minister Costis Hatzidakis and Tourism Minister Olga Kefalogianni. The Egyptian delegation comprised the country’s ministers of foreign affairs and tourism.
source: ΑΜΝΑ
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