“There seems to be a will to revise the text of the agreement on milk” Alternate Food Minister says
The impasse on the issue of milk is likely to be overcome as the troika seems to have accepted some changes, according to the latest information.
Asked on the issue, Alternate Rural Development and Food Minister Maximos Charakopoulos told ANA-MPA that there seemed to be a will to revise the text of the agreement on milk and that was a positive development.
However, he highlighted
«The term “milk of the day” makes sense if it has a shelf-life up to 5 days and can thus be distributed to large urban centres. Moreover, the milk with the mildest heat treatment has a de facto five day life. Therefore, why is there a need to limit its shelf-life?
Regarding the removal of the term “fresh’, that also exists in other EU countries. In any case, pasteurized milk does not have an unlimited shelf-life. In Greece is set at 5 days, with the possibility of 1 day extension provided the “cold chain” is preserved, as milk is collected from different parts of the country until it reaches the corner store.
Furthermore, it is useful to put an end to the misleading term “UHT pasteurization” that creates the illusion of higher quality to many consumers, while it is known that the higher temperature treatment the milk undergoes, the less nutritional values it has. The current “high pasteurized milk” could be called milk of higher temperature treatment.»
source: ΑΜΝΑ
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