Editorial: Timebomb

Our political system is prone to and still engages in pointless skirmishes at a time when the country faces serious problems.

The demographic problem is vital and existential, as the population is shrinking every year and half the population, the workforce, must support the other half, which is comprised of retirees.

A study

conducted by the Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research (IOBE) indicates that the situation is worsening, placing huge pressures on insurance funds.

It is no coincidence that the demographic problem is often described as a timebomb, not only for insurance funds and the state healthcare system but also for the entire country.

Experts warn that this timebomb cannot be neutralised and that it will take years of work to stabilise the system so as to produce results in future decades.

That is perfectly logical because an aging population cannot again become young overnight.

It is clear that the demographic problem must be placed at the top of the agenda of the current and future governments.

Indeed, that should have occurred long ago because as the political system preoccupies itself with navel-gazing time is running out and if measures are not taken the timebomb will explode.

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