Former PM Kostas Karamanlis not a candidate in upcoming Greek elections
With a modest statement, the former prime minister and former president of the New Democracy party, Konstas Karamanlis, announced that he will not be a candidate in the elections.
“I have decided that it is time to complete my parliamentary journey. Therefore, I will not be a candidate in
According to information from public broadcaster ERT, Kostas Karamanlis had a pleasent conversation with Kyriakos Mitsotakis yesterday, Monday (20/2). The former prime minister clarified that he will be present during the election campaign.
After the announcement by Mr. Karamanlis, a similar statement from the Prime Minister is expected to follow within the day.
The timing of the decisionInformation says that there was communication between Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Kostas Karamanlis yesterday. The same information says that the discussion took place in a good atmosphere.
The relevant announcement by Kyriakos Mitsotakis is indicative of the good climate.
The same information states that he will be present in the election campaign.
“I want to thank Costas Karamanlis for his long-term contribution to the faction and the place. Personally, in fact, I do not forget that under his own party leadership I joined politics.
I know that he always has New Democracy in his heart. Much more so today, when the turning point in his own multi-year journey coincides with the opening of new and optimistic horizons for our country and our party.
That is why I am sure that, wherever he is, he will continue to devote all his energies for the good of Greece and our great faction. And he will be present in the great electoral battle that is about to begin.”
Mr. Karamanlis is in the parliamentary seats 14 years after he left the premiership and as he states in his announcement he will continue to support the government and the New Democracy party.
The statement of Kyriakos MitsotakisThe first statement of the Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, after the announcement of Kostas Karamanlis that he will not be a candidate in the elections.
“I want to thank Costas Karamanlis for his long-term contribution to the faction and the place. Personally, in fact, I do not forget that under his own party leadership I joined politics.
I know that he always has New Democracy in his heart. Much more so today, when the turning point in his own multi-year journey coincides with the opening of new and optimistic horizons for our country and our party.
That is why I am sure that, wherever he is, he will continue to devote all his energies for the good of Greece and our great faction. And he will be present in the great electoral battle that is about to begin.”
It is noted that Kostas Karamanlis announced his intention not to be a candidate in the elections.
The former Prime Minister Mr. Costas Karamanlis made the following statement:“I have decided that it is time to complete my parliamentary journey. Therefore, I will not be a candidate in the upcoming elections. Obviously, I always support the New Democracy government, the faction founded by Konstantinos Karamanlis and have served continuously for almost half a century. Faithful to its history, ideology, principles and values. With respect and love for its people and all Greek citizens”.
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