Greek household basket: How food industry responds and what the new signs will look like
The video conference of the Minister of Development and Investments with the board of directors of the Association of Greek Food Industries (SEVT) took place yesterday, yielding no new developments.
Industry representatives have reportedly argued that they are continuing offers programs without interruption, responding indirectly – or immediately
They even mentioned that there are unfair practices by the supermarket chains, while they emphasized that the contribution of the industry has not been appreciated as it should be.
The gripes of the Association of Greek Food IndustriesIn its statement, the Association of Greek Food Industries specifically points out the following:
“The Greek Food and Beverage Industry consistently offers consumers branded, safe, high-quality products, with ongoing promotions, while ensuring the adequacy of food products.
More specifically, since the beginning of this year, the percentage of promotional intensity for branded FMCG in the Food and Beverage category has reached 42.3%, with a steady upward trend (source: NielsenIQ).
Sharing the crucial nature of the situation, the Food and Beverage Industry will continue to support Greek consumers, so that the products it produces are consciously chosen.
Thus the Association of Greek Food Industries, in the context of its institutional role, encourages its Members to intensify their actions, expanding their participation in the ‘household basket’”.
ChangesIn the meantime, supermarket chains are threatened with fines from 1,000 to 50,000 euros if the “household basket” signs are still “invisible” and the shelves are not constantly full, as provided for by an amendment of the Ministry of Development passed yesterday.
The exact dimensions and the shape, or shapes, that the “basket” mark will have will be included in a ministerial decision, which may be issued, as early as today. With the same decision, the product categories included in the basket will also be updated, with effect from next Wednesday.
What will signs look like?Information from the Ministry of Development states that the sign with the special mark should have dimensions of at least 8×8 cm and, in addition to being square, it can be rectangular or round with a diameter of 8 cm. These dimensions were chosen so that it can be supported on the shelf. The list of products in the “basket” should also be sufficiently visible at the entrance of the store.
In addition, supermarket chains have the obligation to have sufficient stocks of the products included in the “household basket” list and in the event that something runs out, to replace it with a corresponding product of equal or lower value.
Violations of these obligations will result in fines from 1,000 to 3,000 euros.
Regarding the inclusion of other products in the “basket”, such as some that are considered essential for diabetics, e.g. sugar substitutes, whole grain foods, etc., may be delayed for a few days as a continuous flow must be ensured.
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