Ilias Tsakiris is the new President of the Ocean Hull Committee of the International Marine Insurance Association

Ilias Tsakiris, CEO of Hellenic Hull Management, managing company of American Club Europe, was elected as the new President of the Ocean Hull Committee of the International Union of Marine Insurance

(IUMI) during the annual conference held in Chicago.

For the first time a Greek marine insurer will be at the helm of the IUMI Ocean Hull Committee, representing the Cyprus Insurance Companies Union, which once again confirms the prominent position of Greek and Cypriot shipping in the global shipping industry.

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“It is a special honor to lead the OceanHull committee,” says Mr. Tsakiris. “I pledge to continue the excellent work of my predecessor Mr. Rama Chandran and to support the initiatives of the newly elected President of IUMI, Mr. Frédéric Denèfle.”

Professional experience

Ilias Tsakiris has more than 30 years of professional experience in the marine insurance industry. He is a graduate of the Hydra Merchant Marine Academy, the oldest in Europe, and holds a BA in Maritime Studies from Liverpool John Moores University.

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He began his career at sea as a trainee Deck Officer, where he rose through the ranks extremely quickly, before working as a claims adjuster in London.

In 1995 he joined the staff of Hellenic Hull Management, managing company of the marine insurance company Hellenic Hull Mutual Association Plc. He became the CEO of Hellenic Hull Management in 2005. Between 2015-2016, on behalf of the American P&I Club, he founded the American Hellenic Hull Insurance Company, which was renamed, from February 2022, to the American Club (Europe).

He is an ardent supporter of IUMI’s innovative programs on environmental, social and intergovernmental (ESG) risks, as well as education, which is confirmed by the extensive network of collaborations he has developed in this direction.

Hellenic Hull Management, a pioneer in sustainability issues in marine insurance, was the first purely marine insurance company to be a member of the Principles for Sustainable Insurance, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEPFIPSI) and the Sustainable Blue Economy Initiative (UNEPFISBEFI), while is a member of the Net Zero Insurance Alliance, the Ship Recycling Transparency Initiative (SRTI), the UN Global Compact and the Poseidon Principles for Marine Insurance.

Ilias Tsakiris is a visiting lecturer at various academic institutions, including the World Maritime University and the University of Piraeus.

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