Διαζύγιο στο Παλάτι: Royal ζευγάρι χωρίζει μετά από 12 χρόνια γάμου

12:30 11/2/2020 - Πηγή: InStyle

O εγγονός της βασίλισσας Ελισάβετ και γιος της πριγκίπισσας Άννας, Peter Phillips, παίρνει διαζύγιο μετά από 12 χρόνια γάμου με την Autumn Phillips. Το ζευγάρι που έχει δύο παιδιά, την 9χρονη Savannah και την 7χρονη Isla.

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There are reports that the Queen’s grandson, Peter Philips, is to separate

from his wife Autumn. Buckingham Palace is not commenting on the claims in @thesun newspaper. Princess Anne’s eldest child, Peter married Autumn at St George’s Chapel, Windsor in 2008. • #peterphillips #autumnphillips #royalfamily #britishroyalfamily

A post shared by Chris Ship (@chris.ship.royal) on Feb 10, 2020 at 2:43pm PST

Ο Peter που εργάζεται ως σύμβουλος marketing είχε γνωρίσει την Autumn στο Formula One Grand Prix στο Μόντρεαλ από όπου κατάγεται. Παντρεύτηκαν το 2008 και μετά τον γάμο δεν κράτησαν βασιλικούς τίτλους παρά το γεγονός ότι ο Peter, όταν είχε γεννηθεί, ήταν πέμπτος στη διαδοχή του θρόνου και αργότερα 15ος.

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#Update: This morning it has been confirmed by a spokesperson for Peter and Autumn Phillips, that the couple agreed to seperate last year. They have both remained in Gloucestershire to co-parent their daughters Savannah and Isla. Her Majesty and both families were informed last year. ——— It is off-topic for this account, but due to some messages/questions I've received over night, I thought I should do a quick post. Of course I've read the reports about the separation of Peter and Autumn Philips. According to the report, Autumn has asked her husband, who is Her Majesty's eldest grandson, for separation. This is a short reminder, that children are involved and any speculations are completely distasteful and inappropriate. This is a hurtful time for the family. The bonds between a family are strong and I hope the couple can work their differences and future out in privacy, without so called friends, who talk to the press. Also the suggestions this could be related to the Sussexes's decision to step back from royal duties is utter nonsense. ——— #lifeofaduchess #duchessofcambridge #katemiddleton #peterandautumnphillips #peterphillips #autumnphillips #peterandautumn #rumours #family #instaroyals #britishroyalfamily

A post shared by HRH The Duchess of Cambridge (@life.of.a.duchess) on Feb 11, 2020 at 1:25am PST

Τα παιδιά του ζευγαριού κάνουν αρκετή παρέα με τον George και την Charlotte και μάλιστα η φωτογραφία της Savannah είχε κάνει τον γύρο του διαδικτύου όταν είχε καλύψει το στόμα του πρίγκιπα κατά τη διάρκεια των εορτασμών του Trooping of the Colour.

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Peter Phillips, the Queen's eldest grandson, is to separate from his wife of 12 years. ⁠ ⁠ The Queen was said to be “upset” by the news, which follows a turbulent few months for the Royal Family. ⁠ ⁠ Click the link in bio to read more. ⁠ ⁠ : Max Mumby/Getty Images⁠ #peterphillips #autumnphillips #thequeen #queenelizabethii #princessanne #princessroyal #royals #royalfamily #britishroyals #britishroyalfamily #royalnews

A post shared by Telegraph Royal Family (@telegraphroyals) on Feb 11, 2020 at 2:01am PST

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Διαζύγιο, Παλάτι, Royal,diazygio, palati, Royal