AVEK ZAPPEION 2025: The Ultimate Coffee Experience!
We tried premium blends and discovered new flavors at Zappeion Megaron.
From the moment we stepped through the gates of Zappeion Hall, we were transported into a world brimming with flavors, aromas, and a deep passion for coffee!
dnews.gr attended AVEK ZAPPEION 2025, the premier coffee event organized for the 5th consecutive year by AVEK Vekrakos S.A., which has evolved into a must-visit experience for every coffee
In a single afternoon, we indulged in exceptional coffee blends, explored cutting-edge coffee machine technologies, and even took part in a sensory coffee seminar, where we closed our eyes to fully grasp the role of our senses in enjoying our favorite brew.
From the very first sip, we were impressed by the diverse lineup of top-tier coffee brands: Hausbrandt, Qualita Unica (QU), Fair, Nadali, Antica Tostatura Triestina, Aristos Greek Coffee, Fabbri, Victoria Arduino, along with premium selections from Chocolulu, Eilles Tea, TE Exclusive, and The Organic Lab.
These specialized blends and innovative flavors catered to even the most discerning coffee connoisseurs. Meanwhile, live barista demonstrations brought to life the artistry behind every cup of coffee.
Konstantinos Kountouris, Marketing Director of AVEK Vekrakos S.A., highlighted: "This year, we had the opportunity to showcase our entire product portfolio, featuring the renowned Italian coffee house ‘Espresso Hausbrandt Trieste 1892,’ for which we are the exclusive distributor, as well as the Italian brands ‘Espresso Nadali’ and ‘Antica Tostatura Triestina.’ We also introduced the famous ‘Eilles’ teas."
Additionally, new concepts such as Qualita Unica (QU) and Fair Specialty Coffees—a scientific approach to ethical coffee production—were presented, alongside The Organic Lab’s vegan beverages and Chocolulu’s five distinctive chocolate-infused coffee options.
AVEK ZAPPEION 2025 also showcased comprehensive solutions for the hospitality sector, including state-of-the-art professional espresso machines and the new Qualita Unica coffee capsule.
"Soon, customers will be able to order their favorite coffees directly from our e-shop," Mr. Kountouris revealed.
The exhibition saw record-breaking attendance within its first two days, drawing professionals from across the coffee industry.
"This event provided us with a platform to present our products to both existing and potential clients from Greece and abroad," Mr. Kountouris noted.
Throughout the event, the world of coffee unfolded through workshops and presentations by leading industry experts.
Saturday: Matteo D’Ottavio, Coffee Professional & Consultant, delved into the science of coffee storage. Sunday: Pastry chef Sal De Riso crafted a sweet cappuccino cake using Hausbrandt coffee, while Agnese, Ph.D. in food chemistry, analyzed the chemical foundations of coffee acidity and its sensory effects. Monday: Visitors explored the health and scientific aspects of coffee extraction methods in a fascinating session by Agnese.For four days, Dimitris Karampas, Head Barista Trainer, guided attendees through an interactive sensory coffee seminar, encouraging them to engage all five senses while savoring coffee. Participants experienced coffee while blindfolded, with music playing, and even by touching different textures—a unique way to discover how the brain processes flavor.
One of the event’s highlights was the unveiling of Espresso 2.0, a deconstructed coffee experience developed in collaboration with Aristotle University.
Dr. Evi Varka, head of quality control and R&D, offered an engaging breakdown of the scientific elements behind this groundbreaking sensory journey.
Innovation and Expertise at the Core.
Engaging with industry professionals, testing new products, and discussing the future of coffee reinforced one key takeaway: quality and expertise are at the heart of AVEK Vekrakos’ philosophy.
AVEK ZAPPEION 2025 is not just an event—it’s a journey into the world of senses, knowledge, and coffee culture.
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