Greek Students Renew Calls for Justice Ahead of Major Demonstration Marking Train Disaster Anniversary
Student and pupil unions across Greece are intensifying their calls for justice as they prepare for a large-scale demonstration on February 28, commemorating two years since the devastating train disaster in Tempi.
From the northern city of Alexandroupoli to the island of Crete, thousands of students, school
With banners and chants resonating through city squares and major thoroughfares, demonstrators have united under a central message: “We are the voice of the dead—this crime will not be covered up.” Their demands for justice come in the wake of recent massive rallies across Greece and beyond, which have rocked the country’s political landscape. The protests coincide with mounting anticipation for the findings of the National Technical University of Athens, expected to shed further light on the causes of the disaster.
Athens Demonstration Gathers StrengthIn Athens, the Coordinating Committee of Pupils declared victory for their movement, stating that their protests had drowned out any attempt at silence. “Tens of thousands of students flooded the center of Athens, sending a message loud and clear: 'The crime at Tempi will not be forgotten, it will not be forgiven!'” the statement read.
The committee urged students to continue organizing within their schools, neighborhoods, and local councils, calling for further action. Their next major demonstration is scheduled for February 28 at Syntagma Square, the heart of Athens, on the crash anniversary, coinciding with a nationwide strike. Organizers anticipate an even larger turnout, with the movement gaining strength in both numbers and determination.
In Thessaloniki, one of Greece’s largest cities, a major demonstration unfolded as part of the nationwide mobilization. Students and school pupils gathered in the city center, joined by parents and educators, before marching through the main streets. Organizing union representatives emphasized that the true causes of the Tempi tragedy must not be concealed and that political and criminal responsibilities should be fully addressed. The march caused significant disruption, with authorities managing traffic as demonstrators moved through the city.
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![Greek Students Renew Calls, Justice Ahead,Major Demonstration Marking Train Disaster Anniversary](
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