67% of the Moscow Metro rolling stock has been renewed
Now 85 Moscow-2020 trains operate in the Moscow Metro. The train fleet has been renewed by 67%: by 2024, it will become the youngest in Europe and the USA.
All new trains are thoroughly tested: the Moscow Metro tracks and analyzes all the details before new trains start carrying passengers. Everything is important: from the smoothness of the train ride
The trains undergo a multi-stage inspection before starting to operate:
Testing of all systems at the manufacturer for more than 100 parameters;Additional check at the depot;Control run-in on the line — the train must travel 300 km without passengers, only if it passed them without a single failure, it is put into operation on the line. If any defects are detected at some stage, they are eliminated and all inspection procedures at the depot begin anew.«Ensuring of the safety of travel in transport is one of our priorities, approved by the Mayor of Moscow. We have developed a unified standard for the reception of rolling stock of the Moscow transport — it is based on the acceptance of metro trains, which takes place in several stages. Now the 85th Moscow-2020 train has passed such a test — it already transports passengers of the Line 6. The purchase of modern metro trains does not stop even during the pandemic. It is especially important, because every Moscow-2020 train has a built-in air disinfection system: it kills 100% of viruses, so passengers can be sure of the epidemiological safety of the trip», — said Maksim Liksutov, the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Transport.
Moscow-2020 trains are the most modern and technological trains of the Moscow Metro. Such trains have an enlarged doorway, a wider inter-car transition, as well as USB connectors in each seat, information displays and touch screens, an automatic air disinfection system. Now these trains operate on 9 lines, 4 of them are equipped only with the trains of this model. Soon Mocow-2020 will also operate on the Big Circle Line: 10 stations will be opened this December.
(Moscow Transport)
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