ÖBB Rail Cargo Group achieves “B” rating in significant environmental ranking
ÖBB Rail Cargo Group (RCG) significantly improved its environmental performance last year.
As a result, the leading railway logistics company has now received a “B” rating in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).
The CDP rating is considered the gold standard of environmental
“This year’s result is not only a significant improvement on last year, but also places us above the European average. It proves that we are making our contribution to a Europe worth living in the spirit of the Paris Climate Agreement. And live up to our vision –to be the sustainable logistics backbone of the European economy,” says RCG CEO Clemens Först.
Extensive and detailed reporting performanceThe RCG submitted all climate-relevant figures to CDP for participation in the ranking – this time in the extensive and detailed full version. Last time the RCG participated, last year, it achieved a respectable C rating, which has now been increased to a good B rating. This was in turn due to significant increases in the areas assessed, e.g. in the categories of Governance as well as Scope 1, 2 and 3 Emissions and Verification (A rating) and Risk Management Processes (A- rating).
ÖBB Rail Cargo above the global averageMore than 5,800 companies across Europe submit their environmental data to the Carbon Disclosure Project, and around 18,700 worldwide. RCG’s “B” rating this year is in line with the industry average of the CDP rating. When considering all sectors, the RCG even manages a result above the global C average. In addition to companies, municipalities, cities, regions and states also participate in the rating.
Disclosure of key environmental dataThe Carbon Disclosure Project is a non-profit organisation which rates companies, cities, regions, and countries according to their environmental transparency and environmental measures. The aim is to encourage companies and local authorities to disclose their environmental data, such as harmful greenhouse gas emissions and water consumption. The CDP collects data and information that are crucial for the assessment by means of questionnaires that are to be completed on a voluntary basis.
Rail Cargo Group: the freight transport division of the ÖBBAs a leading rail logistics company in Europe, we are shaping the industry. 365 days a year – 24 hours a day. Across Europe and beyond into Asia. We connect people, businesses and markets – from the first to the last mile. We are present in 17 countries worldwide with our own employees. It’s thanks to our 5,755 logistics professionals from 34 nations that 463,000 trains a year, respectively 1,270 a day, reach their destinations safe and sound. With our efficient end-to-end logistics services, we transport 94 million net tonnes of freight each year. A modal share of 28 % (preliminary value) of the total freight market in Austria makes us top of the league in Europe. Operational management of the Rail Cargo Group lies with Rail Cargo Austria AG.
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