ÖBB Rail Cargo Group announces new connection to the port of Trieste
ÖBB Rail Cargo Group (RCG) is now expanding its network for conventional wagonlads with a new TransFER connection between Villach (Villach South Terminal) and Trieste (Piattaforma Logistica di Trieste).
The departure times can be agreed individually for this non-stop connection, which is being operated in own traction for the first time. This connection is particularly
The new TransFER connection not only offers an attractive transit time of one day, but also stands out for its international antenna connections. Starting in Villach, customers can benefit from ÖBB Rail Cargo Group’s high-performance network to the most important economic centres in Central, Northern and Eastern Europe. Trieste is a major transport hub for intercontinental, maritime long-haul as well as short- and medium-haul connections for trade between the Mediterranean and China. The multifunctional terminal Trieste Servola (Piattaforma Logistica di Trieste) is made up of the established terminal section for wagonloads at Scalo Legnami with a shipping pier and a newly built area for containers and roll-on-roll-off (RoRo) units with its own shipping pier.
A port is being built inlandIn the coming years, the TSA location Villach South, which is the terminal service provider of ÖBB Infrastruktur at Logistik Center Austria Süd, will be expanded to become a “dry port”. At the junction of the Baltic-Adriatic railway axis and the Tauern axis, there are opportunities to establish a first-class logistics centre, which in future will provide even better connections between the ports of Trieste, Ravenna, Koper, Rijeka and Fürnitz. The location agency LCA Logistik Center Austria Süd, a company of K-BV Kärntner Beteiligungsverwaltung and ÖBB Infrastruktur AG, is responsible for this.
End-to-end connection from the first mile to the lastCustomers will also benefit from the uninterrupted handling and punctual transit times with this TransFER connection withtraction and handling from a single source. By offering a transport solution to and from Italy, ÖBB RCG not only provides an excellent wagonload connection, but also an efficient forwarding option in its comprehensive TransNET on the Eurasian continent.
Rail Cargo Group: ÖBB freight transportAs Europe’s leading rail logistics specialist, we shape the industry. 365 days a year – 24 hours a day. From Europe all the way into Asia. We connect people, business and markets – from the first mile to the last. Thanks to our 9,393 employees in 18 countries with 34 nationalities, we are able to bring 460,000 trains safely to their destination every year – that is around 1,260 trains every day. We transport 95 million net tonnes every year with our efficient end-to-end logistics solutions. Our railways contribute 28.2% to the total volume of goods transported in Austria, making us the front-runner in Europe and saving around 1.1 million tonnes of CO2 annually throughout Austria. The controlling company of the Rail Cargo Group is Rail Cargo Austria AG.
ÖBB: Today. For tomorrow. For us.As a comprehensive mobility and logistics service provider, ÖBB transported a total of 287 million passengers and over 95 million tonnes of goods to their destinations in a climate and environmentally friendly manner in 2020. The electricity for trains and stations is generated entirely from renewable energy sources. ÖBB is one of the most punctual railway operators in Europe, with a punctuality of around 97 per cent in passenger transport. With over EUR 3 billion invested annually in railway infrastructure, ÖBB is building the railway system of tomorrow. Across the Group, almost 42,000 bus and rail employees and an additional 2,000 apprentices ensure that around 1.3 million passengers and around 1,300 freight trains arrive safely at their destinations every day. ÖBB is the backbone of Austrian public transport and, as Austria’s largest climate protection company, gets people and goods to their destinations safely and in an environmentally friendly manner. The strategic lead company of the group is the ÖBB-Holding AG.
(ÖBB-Holding AG)
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![ÖBB Rail Cargo Group,Trieste](https://images32.inewsgr.com/4283/42835601/BB-Rail-Cargo-Group-announces-new-connection-to-the-port-of-Trieste-160.jpg)
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