Maersk reports third-best financial year
A.P. Moller – Maersk reports strong financial results for 2024 with growth across all segments and significantly improved profitability with EBIT increasing 65% to USD 6.5 billion.
Results were driven by higher container demand and elevated freight rates in Ocean, top line and volume growth in Terminals and solid improvements in most Logistics
Given the strong results and the strength of the balance sheet, the Board of Directors proposes a dividend of DKK 1,120/share and also separately announced the initiation of a share buy-back programme of up to around USD 2bn to be executed over a period of 12 months.
Profitability in Ocean improved compared to the previous year supported by a significant increase in freight rates reflecting the situation in the Red Sea and strong volume demand. High utilization and cost discipline ensured that Ocean operations were streamlined and able to tackle uncertainties. Operational costs were stable year-on-year, offsetting the increased costs and additional bunker consumption of re-routing the network south of the Cape of Good Hope.
Logistics & Services demonstrated resilience in 2024 with momentum building steadily each quarter culminating in volume growth, higher revenue and improved EBIT margin compared to 2023. Revenue grew 7% supported by solid growth in Warehousing, Air and First Mile product categories while profitability benefitted from progress in most products.
Terminals delivered its best ever financial results in 2024 with EBITDA and EBIT reaching record highs. This was driven by significant top line growth due to strong volumes along with inflation-offsetting tariffs increases, a better customer and product mix, and higher storage revenue.
Financial GuidanceGuidance is based on the expectation that global container volume growth in 2025 will be around 4% and that Maersk will grow in line with the market. It is further expected that 2025 is likely to show greater supply-demand imbalance with continued new deliveries in the container shipping industry and a potential re-opening of the Red Sea. Nevertheless, this imbalance may be largely offset by supply-side drivers and strong market demand. For the purposes of the financial guidance, Maersk assumes that the Red Sea re-opens mid-year for the low end of the guidance and re-opens at year-end for the high-end. Maersk’s outlook for 2025 is subject to considerable macroeconomic uncertainties impacting container volume growth and freight rates.
Guidance 2025EBITDAUnderlyingEBIT
UnderlyingFree cash flow
(FCF) or higherCAPEX guidance, maintained
2024-2025CAPEX guidance
2025-2026USDbn6.0 – 9.00.0 – 3.0-3.010.0 – 11.010.0 – 11.0Total shareholder return
Maersk returned USD 1.6bn to shareholders during 2024 through dividends and share buy-backs. The demerger and spin-off of Svitzer returned USD 1.1bn to shareholders through a dividend in-kind.
In February 2024, the Board of Directors decided to suspend the share buy-back programme, with a re-initiation to be reviewed once market conditions in Ocean are settled. The Board of Directors has decided to initiate a share buy-back programme of up to DKK 14.4bn (around USD 2bn), to be executed over a period of 12 months.
Highlights for the yearRevenueUSD million20242023Ocean37,38833,653Logistics & Services14,92013,916Terminals4,4653,844Unallocated activities, eliminations, etc.-1,291-348A.P. Moller – Maersk consolidated55,48251,065EBITDAUSD million20242023Ocean9,1866,940Logistics & Services1,4471,251Terminals1,6011,278Unallocated activities, eliminations, etc.-106122A.P. Moller – Maersk consolidated12,1289,591EBITUSD million20242023Ocean4,7432,227Logistics & Services538446Terminals1,329980Unallocated activities, eliminations, etc.-111281A.P. Moller – Maersk consolidated6,4993,934CAPEXUSD million20242023Ocean2,7081,987Logistics & Services803771Terminals580541Unallocated activities, eliminations, etc.110347A.P. Moller – Maersk consolidated4,2013,646Sensitivity guidanceFinancial performance for A.P. Moller – Maersk for 2025 depends on several factors subject to uncertainties related to the given uncertain macroeconomic conditions, bunker fuel prices and freight rates. All else being equal, the sensitivities for 2025 for four key assumptions are listed below:
FactorsChangeEffect on EBIT (Full year 2025)Container freight rate+/- 100 USD/FFE+/- USD 1.3bnContainer freight volume+/- 100,000 FFE+/- USD 0.01bnBunker price (net of expected BAF coverage)+/- 100 USD/tonne+/- USD 0.4bnForeign exchange rate (net of hedges)+/- 10% change in USD+/- USD 0.3bn(Maersk)
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