Poste Italiane obtains the platinum medal by Ecovadis and ranks in the top 1% of best companies
Poste Italiane obtains the prestigious platinum medal from EcoVadis, which evaluates the sustainability of companies along the supply chain, and further improves its position from last year’s Gold medal by placing within the top 1 percent of companies evaluated by the team of international experts.
EcoVadis is among the most accredited corporate sustainability rating platforms internationally and has so far rated 100 thousand
The methodology is based on International sustainability standards, including the Global Reporting Initiative, the United Nations Global Compact and ISO 26000, covering more than 200 ESG areas of interest for approximately 175 countries. The evaluation model, supervised by an international scientific committee, is based on globally recognised standards and consists in measuring the performance of twenty-one indicators, in relation to 4 macro-areas, evaluated with a final score from 0 to 100: Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement.
“The upgrade from gold to platinum medal in the EcoVadis ranking attests the company’s continued progress in achieving the goals of the ESG Strategic Plan,” commented Poste Italiane CEO Matteo Del Fante. “The EcoVadis rating represents a new milestone in Poste Italiane’s journey to the top of the global rating for corporate social responsibility along the supply chain.”
“We are committed on a daily basis to developing innovative and sustainable solutions for our Italian and international partners, in line with our corporate goals,” said Giuseppe Lasco, Co-General Manager of Poste Italiane. “We will continue to work to be an increasingly representative point of reference for the country in the ESG sphere.”
The leadership in the EcoVadis rating adds to other numerous recognitions obtained by Poste Italiane, which is included in the most prestigious international sustainability indices, including MIB ESG indices by Borsa Italiana, first place among the Blue Chip, the Dow Jones Indices for the fourth consecutive year, Euronext Vigeo-Eiris Indices, Integrated Governance Index (IGI), Euronext Equileap Gender Equality Eurozone 100, FTSE4Good, Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index, Stoxx Global ESG Leaders. In addition to these, there are also ratings from important international agencies, such as the “AA” from MSCI, the “A-” from CDP and the “Top 5% S&P Global Esg Score 2022” from the Sustainability Yearbook 2023. The Group also obtained an ESG Risk Rating of 13.7 (Low Risk) from Sustainalytics and it was recognised as a top ESG performer 2022 on a panel of more than 15,000 companies evaluated worldwide, obtaining the recognition of “2023 Industry Top-Rated”.
(Poste Italiane)
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