Proposed nominations of future Siemens Alstom Board of Directors completed
Alstom’s Board of Directors approved the proposal to the upcoming Annual Shareholder Meeting to appoint all members of the future Board of Directors of the combined entity Siemens Alstom. As previously announced, the Board will comprise eleven members.
Six members designated by Siemens:
Roland Busch, Chief Technology Officer and Member
Sigmar Gabriel, former German Minister of Foreign Affairs and former Vice Chancellor of Germany, qualified by the Board as Independent Director
Janina Kugel, Chief HR Officer and Member of the Managing Board of Siemens AG
Christina M. Stercken, Director at Ascom Holding AG, Landis & Gyr Group AG, and Ansell Ltd., qualified by the Board as Independent Director
Ralf P. Thomas, Chief Financial Officer and Member of the Managing Board of Siemens AG
Mariel von Schumann, Chief of Staff of Siemens AG and Head of Governance and Markets
In addition to Henri Poupart-Lafarge, currently Chairman and CEO of Alstom, who has been nominated as Director and CEO of Siemens Alstom, Alstom has proposed four independent members:
Yann Delabriere, currently Lead Independent Director of Alstom’s Board, remaining qualified by the Board as independent Director and to serve as Vice-Chairman of the Board
Clotilde Delbos, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Renault, qualified by the Board as Independent Director
Sylvie Kandé de Beaupuy, Group Ethics & Compliance Officer of Airbus Group and current Alstom’s Independent board member, remaining qualified by the Board as Independent Director
Baudouin Prot, Senior Advisor at Boston Consulting Group, qualified by the Board as Independent Director
These nominations are subject to the approval of Alstom’s shareholders and will be effective upon completion of the deal itself to occur after approval by various authorities.
“With these proposed nominations the future Siemens Alstom can rely on a tremendous and diverse team,” said Roland Busch. “The outstanding international expertise of the nominated persons and their expertise in managing cross border industrial operations will be an excellent basis for future collaboration. It is a clear sign of our ambition to bring the best people on board in order to create excellent teams at all levels of Siemens Alstom.”
“These proposed nominations are a new step towards the creation of Siemens Alstom, a global champion in mobility. These Board members will bring a wealth of experience and expertise. With a majority of independent Board members, it also demonstrates the balance of the future governance. I am looking forward to working with such a diverse and talented group of people,” stated Henri Poupart-Lafarge, Chairman and CEO of Alstom.
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