Scania and OpenAI collaborate for responsible use of AI in sustainable transport
Scania is committed to developing the latest technology in our products and solutions. We also want our employees to have the best cutting-edge tools at hand. As an employer, we provide an engaging and up-to-date work environment, especially in digital tools. That is why we ally with OpenAI.
Our alliance with OpenAI marks a significant step in our digital transformation journey, centred around the enterprise-wide adoption of
The integration of ChatGPT Enterprise across our organisation represents more than a technological upgrade — it’s a fundamental reimagining of how we work and bring value to customers, partners and society. Scania CTO Sara Forsberg says: ”We are one of the first sustainable transport companies to partner directly with OpenAI, putting us ahead in using AI in our industry. This partnership will greatly improve our employees’ experience and bring more value to our customers.”
The deployment of ChatGPT Enterprise, backed by OpenAI’s advanced security and privacy features and AI awareness/education, is a responsible way to adopt AI while maintaining our position at the forefront of automotive innovation.
“Scania’s AI ambitions can boost productivity and innovation, which benefits both their employees and customers. The scale and pace of the roll out of ChatGPT has been impressive and it’s just the beginning. We’re excited to work with them as they embed AI across their business,” says Nicolai Skabo, EMEA Head of Sales at OpenAI.
Measuring impact through scientific researchTo understand the transformative potential of AI adoption, we’ve partnered with the Stockholm School of Economics to conduct a comprehensive scientific study. This research will quantify ChatGPT’s impact on productivity and examine how structured education programmes influence AI adoption and effectiveness. The findings will provide valuable insights into maximising the benefits of AI integration in large-scale, customer-focused operations.
Future integration of OpenAI technologyLooking towards the future, Scania envisions integrating OpenAI technology into our vehicles and enhancing the driver experience. “ChatGPT and OpenAI’s work has changed our expectations of machine capabilities,” says Jim Tolman, Technology Strategy Manager, “By sharing this long-term vision now, we can reinforce our commitment to innovation and generate excitement about the possibilities ahead.”
At Scania, we believe AI should be adopted where it adds genuine value—to customers, employees, or society. If OpenAI’s technology helps us improve customer support, we’ll use it. If it enhances driver experience or makes transport more efficient through better charging and smarter route planning, we’ll apply it. We’ve been refining efficiency for decades, and these new tools will continue to improve what we do best. Our goal is not just to follow trends but to lead meaningful change that enhances both our products and our operations.
“By making AI tools available to everyone in our company, we’re helping our employees work smarter and more efficiently. This brings us closer to our goal of leading the shift to sustainable transport solutions,” Forsberg concludes.
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