185th Military Committee in Chiefs of Defence session
The Military Committee, NATO’s highest Military Authority, will hold its first meeting of 2021 in Chiefs of Defence (CHODs) Session on 27 January. Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach, Chairman of the Military Committee, will preside over
The Military Committee meets twice a year at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, at the level of Chiefs of Defence, to provide the North Atlantic Council with consensus-based military advice on how the Alliance can best meet global security challenges. Once a year they meet in an Allied member country. On a day-to-day basis, their work is carried out by the permanent Military Representatives at NATO Headquarters in Brussels.
For background information about the NATO Military Committee click here
Media EngagementsWednesday 27 January 2021
0830 – 0840
Opening Remarks by Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee.
The remarks will be live streamed via the NATO website.
Press Statement by Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee.
The video statement will be uploaded to the IMS event page
Due to the precautionary measures set up at the NATO Headquarters to limit the further spread of the COVID-19 virus, media representatives will NOT have physical access to NATO HQ. These rules follow limitations on the movement imposed by the Belgian Government since 18 March.
Media coverageVideo and photos of the Opening Remarks will be available online at www.nato.int/ims shortly after the meeting.
The opening remarks delivered by the Chairman of the Military Committee will be broadcasted live on the NATO website. Broadcasters can download the broadcast quality footage by registering on the NATO Multimedia portal.
Social MediaWe will post the latest information and pictures from the Military Committee in Chiefs of Defence (MCCS) format on our official Twitter account: @NATO_PASCAD.
Please use the hashtags #NATOCHoDs and #NATOMC when tweeting about the MCCS.
EnquiriesPoints of contact for the Chairman of the Military Committee & General press arrangements:
Mr. Damien Elvin, Public Affairs and Strategic Communications Advisor to the Chairman of the NATO Military Committee and NATO International Military Staff
Tel: + 32 476 60 53 56
E-Mail: elvin.damien@hq.nato.int
LtCol Götz Haffke, Deputy Public Affairs and Strategic Communications Advisor
Tel: + 32 490 58 06 47
E-Mail: haffke.goetz@hq.nato.int
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