Awesome MK22 sniper rifle entered service in the US military
U.S. troops will have a new sniper rifle, according to a press release issued by Barrett Firearms Manufacturing Inc. In a $ 49.9 million deal, the Pentagon will receive 2,800 MK22 sniper rifles. The Pentagon released the agreement under the American program for precision sniper rifles.
Photo credit: TacticalMRAD MK22 will be equipped with precision optics Leupold & Stevens Mark 5 H.D. Under a contract with the U.S. Army, Barrett Firearms Manufacturing Inc. will provide additional sniper accessories.
Military experts say the sniper rifle ordered by the U.S. military will allow soldiers to have significant sniper range while being significantly lighter. Based on the executable mission, the MRAD MK22 will convert from 7.62×51 mm, .300 Norma Magnum (N.M.) to .338 Norma Magnum (N.M.) calibers and vice versa.
A circular press release from the Pentagon said that the MRAD MK22 would provide superiority to the American soldier over an enemy sniper, increasing its capabilities.
“We are honored to have been awarded the Army’s Precision Sniper Rifle Program in addition to SOCOM’s Advanced Sniper Rifle contract. The MK22 is a capable rifle system that meets the demanding requirements of our military branches,” said Joel Miller, Barrett’s Director of Global Military Sales.
On February 2, the SIG Sauer company delivered the next generation of systems (N.G.S.W.) to the U.S. military. The company said the delivery included the NGSW-AR light machine gun, NGSW-R rifle and suppressors, and 6.8×51 hybrid ammunition.
SIG SAUER Completes Final Delivery of Next Generation Squad Weapon System to U.S. Army via @soldiersystems
— SIG SAUER (@sigsauerinc) February 3, 2021
During developing next-generation weapons, Sig Sauer’s designers gained access to American soldiers and Marines. SIG took their opinion into account, and thus the company more easily developed the required weapons.
“Eventually, they (the soldiers) will make this weapon,” said Rohen Cohen, the company’s president, and C.E.O., in a statement. In a statement, Cohen thanked the Pentagon for its courage to allow military personnel to participate in the weapons development process.
Sig Sauer’s new weapons should replace the existing M4A1 carbines and M249 automatic weapons in the U.S. Infantry, according to In addition to Zig Sauer, the other two bidders are Textron Systems and the General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems Inc. team.
The post Awesome MK22 sniper rifle entered service in the US military appeared first on ARMYNOW.NET.
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