Veterans unable to work due to service-connected disability can qualify for independent living assistance
Eligible Veterans can qualify for independent living services through the Independent Living track through VA’s Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) benefit program.
While the VR&E program offers other services, the Independent Living track is
Some of the services offered by the VR&E’s Independent Living track include:
Evaluation and counseling to identify your needs and goalsReferrals to community-based support servicesEvaluation for eligibility for the VR&E home adaption grantEvaluation for eligibility for the VA’s adaptive-housing programs, which provide home renovations (e.g., adding ramps) in order to help you live independentlyVeterans can generally receive services for up to 24 months. In some cases, Veterans can receive services for a longer period of time.
To be eligible for the VR&E’s Independent Living track benefits, Veterans and service members must meet these requirements:
Have a serious employment handicap (SEH)Disabilities prevent a Veteran from looking for or returning to workA Veterans requires aid to live as independently as possibleA service-connected disability qualifies as an employment handicap if it limits a Veteran’s ability to prepare for, obtain and maintain suitable employment that does not worsen your disability.
To apply for these benefits:
Apply for VR&E benefitsWork with a Vocational Rehabilitation CounselorGet a VA disability ratingOnce a Veteran has a VA disability rating, sign into eBenefits, select “Apply,” click “Veteran Readiness and Employment Program” and apply for Education and Career Counseling. If eligible, a Veteran will be invited to join an orientation session at the nearest VA regional office.
More informationTo learn more about applying for VR&E benefits, click here.
The post Veterans unable to work due to service-connected disability can qualify for independent living assistance appeared first on ARMYNOW.NET.
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