China sends two aircraft carriers to sea as US conducts large-scale drills off Guam
China’s navy hit a milestone this month, sending two aircraft carriers to sea at the same time, according to state-controlled media.
The Liaoning, Beijing’s first carrier, and the Shandong, commissioned at the end of last year, are both embarked on separate training missions, the Global Times
The Liaoning was spotted leaving its base and sailing in the Yellow Sea that weekend, according to the report. The Shandong deployed a week earlier to exercise in the Bohai Sea.
China’s carriers will become key forces in handling pressure from the United States in the South China Sea and Taiwan Strait and potentially from India on China’s maritime routes, Beijing-based naval expert Li Jie told the newspaper.
China and India have clashed in recent months along the disputed 2,175-mile border that separates the world’s most populous nations. The rivals, who fought a 1962 war, have agreed not to attack each other with firearms; however, there have been occasional skirmishes along the border. A June 15 brawl involving clubs stones and fists killed 20 Indian troops.
Beijing considers Taiwan a breakaway province that must be reunited by the mainland.
The U.S. Taiwan Relations Act of 1979, passed to coincide with recognition of Beijing’s government, allows arms sales to Taiwan and calls for the U.S. to “maintain the capacity” to resist any force or coercion that would jeopardize Taiwan’s security.
Two aircraft carriers could combine with anti-ship ballistic missiles to squeeze Taiwan and prevent U.S. intervention in any conflict there, Li Jie added.
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