East Mediterranean Gas Forum officially turned into Organization
The seven member states of the East Mediterranean Gas Forum have officially turned it into a regional organisation headquartered in the Egyptian capital Cairo.
The charter was signed by Egypt’s Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Tarek El-Molla, Cypriot Minister of Energy, Trade and Industry Natasa Pilides, Greek Minister
The United States and the European Union have asked to be observers while France has asked to become a full member.
The forum says it aims to establish economic and commercial partnerships between member states to invest in the gas discoveries in the Eastern Mediterranean region as a means to lay the foundations of peace and stability.
El-Molla revealed yesterday that 320 trillion cubic feet of gas were discovered in the Eastern Mediterranean region which could turn the area into a global centre for the gas industry.
The forum was launched in January 2019 to reinforce cooperation among member states.
However, a spokesman for the Turkish Foreign Ministry, Hami Aksoy, described the forum as an anti-Ankara bloc, adding that transforming it into a regional organisation is “far from reality”.
Source: middleeastmonitor.com
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