Egypt and Greece expand cooperation agreeing on regional security issues
Greece and Egypt will expand cooperation in sectors such as energy and security, the leaders of the two countries said Monday in Cairo.
“In recent years, cooperation at economic and military level, either bilateral or multilateral, along with Cyprus, has deepened,” Egyptian President“We examined with Mr. Mitsotakis aspects of our relationship, from economic exchanges to cooperation in tourism. We exchanged views on regional developments. I stressed the need to respect international law and the principle of non-intervention on other countries’ internal affairs in the wider region. I stressed the need to strengthen the trilateral (cooperation) mechanism among Greece, Cyprus and Egypt,” el-Sisi added, also making a reference to the contacts between Egypt and Greece over several millennia.
In his statements after the talks, Mitsotakis referred to the new environment and energy agreement the two countries have signed, calling it a step that helps both countries’ prosperity. Speaking about the connection of Egyptian and Greek electricity networks through an undersea cable, Mitsotakis noted that it will transmit to Greece and Europe electrical energy produced exclusively from renewable energy sources. “The relevant memorandum is essentially ready,” he said.
“Our common goal is to avoid new adventures in our neighborhood…the partial delimitation of our neighboring zones is an example, a precedent of peace and stability in the wider region. I look forward to a total delimitation soon,” Mitsotakis added.
Greek officials said, the meeting was an occasion to reaffirm the two countries’ common approach to a range of issues, the strategic character of bilateral relations and the will, on both sides, to further deepen cooperation.
“We also discussed developments in Libya. We support peace and normalcy in the neighboring country and an essential precondition is the departure of all foreign troops and mercenaries and, finally, elections before the end of the year. Mr. el-Sisi shares our deep displeasure at Greece’s non-participation in the ‘Berlin process’ in a few days,” Mitsotakis said.
The rest of Mitsotakis’ program includes meetings with Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly, members of the Greek community in Cairo and Alexandria as well as with the Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and all Africa Theodoros II later Monday.
The post Egypt and Greece expand cooperation agreeing on regional security issues appeared first on ARMYNOW.NET.
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