Intel donates 450 laptops to VA for Veterans’ use
A critical donation of more than 450 laptops makes Intel a key strategic partner with VA’s Secretary’s Center for Strategic Partnerships (SCSP).
SCSP created a call to action requesting support to assist Veterans during the COVID-19 pandemic. Intel immediately responded benefitting
Daryl served in the U.S. Army 1st Cavalry Division from 1980-2000. He was diagnosed with cancer in December 2019 and now receives treatment at the Cleveland Clinic. Because the cost of housing and transportation were a burden for the Pinkneys, his VA team connected him with the VA Greater Cleveland Fisher House.
Families stay free while Veteran is in the hospitalFisher Houses offer comfort homes where military and Veteran families can stay free of charge while a loved one is in the hospital. Daryl talked about his relief. “We moved into the Fisher House on Nov. 1. It saved me $1,500 and I even got access to a laptop.”
“At Intel, our mission is to create world-changing technology that enriches the lives of every person on earth,”said Rachel Mushahwar, Intel vice president. “Earlier this year, Intel pledged $50 million in a pandemic response technology initiative to combat the coronavirus.”
The Intel laptop donation sent 100 laptops to VA’s Fisher Houses. They also distributed laptops to benefit Veterans between the Department of Housing and Urban Development-VA Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) and VA’s Veteran School at Work (VSAW).
HUD-VASH is a collaborative program between HUD and VA. It combines HUD housing vouchers with VA supportive services to help Veterans who are homeless and their families find and sustain permanent housing. The Greater Los Angeles Area HUD-VASH received 222 laptops.
Helps Veterans prepare for employment or higher educationAdditionally, the VSAW program received 135 of the donated laptops. VSAW is deploying the laptops to nine different locations across the U.S. VSAW, in partnership with VA’s National Homeless Program Office, offers a blended learning program for Veterans currently homeless or who have experienced homelessness by combining education with career planning to prepare Veterans for employment or higher education.
Every part of the partnership donation efforts were Veteran-centric, including use of AmeriinfoVets (AI-Vets), Inc. Al-Vets is a Veteran-owned service disabled small business that managed logistics surrounding the laptop deliveries. Intel was also able to further strengthen its donation through a partnership with the Dell VA team.
“The laptops are a great benefit for Veterans who are currently living at the Fisher House. With the use of the laptops we have access to My HealtheVet. That’s a portal for Veterans to communicate with the VA hospital or Cleveland Clinic,” said Analisa Pinkney. “With this access we can check our medical records and upcoming appointments or communicate any concerns to our care providers.”
“Grateful to Intel for helping families in need”“We are incredibly grateful to Intel for helping Veteran families in need during these challenging times,” said Deborah Scher. Scher is executive advisor to the Secretary, VA Secretary’s Center for Strategic Partnerships. “Intel’s donation offers Veterans essential access to care, the ability to participate in educational opportunities and a means to stay connected with their loved ones.”
There are many ways to partner with VA to benefit Veterans. You or your organization can contribute by providing in-kind services, products, or support to a VA project, program or event. For more information on how to serve those who serve, go to:
The post Intel donates 450 laptops to VA for Veterans’ use appeared first on ARMYNOW.NET.
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