NATO Chief refuses to condemn Turkish violations of Greek airspace [vid]

12:14 7/9/2020 - Πηγή: Armynow

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has once again sided with Turkey when CNN journalist Hala Gorani asked him three times about Turkey violating Greek airspace and he refused all three times to answer the

question claiming that Ankara is under pressure because they are fighting in three fronts: Syria, Iraq, and Russia (!)

Only days after falsely claiming that Greece and Turkey agreed to sit at the NATO negotiating table to sort their differences in a diplomatic manner, Stoltenberg acted again as if he is representing Turkey and not the Alliance.

Stoltenberg’s answers in all of Gorani’s questions were so pro-Turkey that one would think he is on Ankara’s payroll, claims the author of the following article, Philip Chrysopoulos.

When asked about Turkey‘s action to down a Russian Air Force aircraft for being inside Turkish airspace for less than 30 seconds, Stoltenberg said that it had the right to do so.

But when the journalist asked him about the repeated violations of Greek airspace by Turkish fighter jets, the NATO chief changed the subject, putting it on the pressure that the poor Turks are under. Three times. On the third time the question was asked, he mumbled that “NATO is against airspace violation of any country”.

How to manage NOT to answer to a direct question 3 times in a row.@jensstoltenberg

Really? Aren’t you payed enough by NATO? Do you need the dictators money too?

— Latte Liberal (@latte_liberal) September 4, 2020

Only about a month ago, the Secretary-General washed his hands like Pontius Pilate saying that when two NATO Allies have differences between them, they can sort them out themselves.

It is clear that NATO is no longer an ally of Greece in such a difficult point in time. A time when the Turkish President fantasizes being an old Ottoman sultan like Suleiman, or whoever else he has in mind.

As days go by, the NATO chef’s intentions indicate that he has Turkey’s interests in mind. His “initiative” to state that Greece and Turkey have agreed to sit on the negotiating table when Turkish ships are inside Greece’s continental shelf is very suspicious.

Turkey does not want dialogue with Greece. Turkey has territorial claims on Greece and this is clear from the fake maps Erdogan likes to show to his fanatics. Maps that include several Greek islands in the Aegean and most of Thrace, while Turkish “territorial” waters reach all the way to Libya, disregarding Cyprus and Crete.

Meanwhile, Turkish warplanes parade almost on a daily basis inside Greek airspace, hoping that a Greek pilot with itchy fingers might push the wrong buttons.

Yet, Stoltenberg has not once reprimanded Turkey for its illegal acts towards Greece. Not once, after the repeated violations of Greek airspace by Turkish warplanes or for its naval vessels sailing within the Greek continental shelf.


The post NATO Chief refuses to condemn Turkish violations of Greek airspace [vid] appeared first on ARMYNOW.NET.

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