North Atlantic Council statement on the Afghanistan Peace Negotiations
The recent agreement between the negotiating teams of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Taliban on the rules and procedures for Afghanistan Peace Negotiations and the first meeting of the Leadership Committee of the High Council for National Reconciliation are important steps toward a comprehensive and lasting peace
After four decades of conflict and suffering, a negotiated political settlement offers the only hope for a lasting peace. Violence, especially driven by Taliban attacks, continues to undermine the peace process and must end.
We expect negotiations to lead to an enduring and comprehensive Afghan peace agreement that puts an end to violence, builds on the progress of the last 19 years, safeguards the human rights of all Afghans, particularly women, children, and minorities, upholds the rule of law, and ensures that Afghanistan never again serves as a safe haven for terrorists.
NATO and its partners reaffirm our commitment to Afghanistan, the Afghan people, and Afghanistan’s security forces. We call on the Afghan government and the Taliban to fulfill their commitments to the peace process initiated by the U.S.-Taliban agreement and the U.S.-Afghanistan Joint Declaration.
We will continue to consult on our military presence and, if conditions allow, to adjust it to support this Afghan-owned and Afghan-led peace process. We went into Afghanistan together, we are adjusting together, and only when the conditions are right, we will leave together.
We stand with the Afghan people in their yearning for peace.
The post North Atlantic Council statement on the Afghanistan Peace Negotiations appeared first on ARMYNOW.NET.
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![North Atlantic Council,Afghanistan Peace Negotiations](
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