Russia unveils yet another aircraft carrier design
Russia’s Nevskoe design bureau has unveiled a new aircraft carrier concept dubbed the ‘Varan’.
Readers will note however that Russia appears to reveal a new design every other month and the designs typically never see the light of day again.
‘Varan’ would have a displacement of 45,000 tonnes and would be
Nevskoe PKB is reportedly one of the largest domestic developers of ships in Russia and the only designer of aircraft carriers and training complexes in Russia.
I can’t ignore the huge sense of deja-vu when writing this article because I wrote something similar in 2019.
At an annual Russian defence exhibition in 2019, the Krylov State Scientific Center unveiled concept for a new aircraft carrier, displayed below.
According to Russian state media, TASS, the ship if it’s ever built would have the following specs:
“According to the materials presented on the Nevskoye Design Bureau’s display stand, the aircraft carrier that will get a nuclear-powered propulsion unit will displace 80,000-90,000 tonnes, feature a maximum length of 350 meters, have sea endurance of about 120 days and will be capable of developing a speed of about 30 knots. The aircraft carrier will have a crew of 2,800 and its air task force will comprise 800 personnel. The carrier will have a service life of over 50 years.”
Russia now has the largest fleet of model aircraft carriers in the world.
The post Russia unveils yet another aircraft carrier design appeared first on ARMYNOW.NET.
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