Series highlights Desert Storm Veterans for 30th anniversary
In January 1991, members from all five military branches joined a coalition to push out Saddam Hussein’s forces from Kuwait for Operation Desert Storm.
During January 2021, VA will profile these Veterans in a series of stories for
More than 2.2 million U.S. service members served during the era and an estimated 694,550 deployed to the Gulf. An estimated 1.68 million Veterans from that era are still alive.
During January, these stories will feature Veteran experiences from a wide range of perspectives. Army and Marine Veterans tell about battles on the ground. Air Force Veterans share about their experiences in the air. Navy and Coast Guard Veterans tell about their experiences at sea. These stories will include print and video stories. The coverage starts Jan. 1.
Veterans will also provide their perspective on the legacy of Operation Desert Storm. From the first war covered on cable news to a joint service campaign that overwhelmed the opposition, Veterans will share how the war forever changed the U.S. military. The coverage will include both individual stories and overall pieces, including an interview with Army Veteran Colin Powell, who served as the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during Desert Storm.
Veterans can also learn about VA research and VA’s Gulf War Registry Health Exam. This program alerts Veterans to possible long-term health problems that may be related to environmental exposures during their military service.
Veterans told these stories over the past several months. A team of VA story tellers interviewed Veterans starting in May 2020.
Where to viewPeople can view content at a special Desert Storm website at
Content is always available on the following social media channels.
Facebook page is at feed is at channel is at is at
The post Series highlights Desert Storm Veterans for 30th anniversary appeared first on ARMYNOW.NET.
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