Turkey extends Oruç Reis’ activities until October 27
Turkey issued a new Navigation Telex (NAVTEX) to extend the Oruç Reis seismic research vessel’s activities until October 27.
Oruç Reis is accompanied by the Ataman and Cengiz Han.
The previous NAVTEX was set to one expire on October 22.
On Tuesday, Oruc Reis came within less than 9 nautical miles from the island
The armed forces were and continue to be on high alert. “The Armed Forces have not stopped for a second to closely monitor the movements of both Oruç Reis and the Turkish fleet. The military personnel has once again been put on high alert, with our warships (as the relevant photos show) having been deployed in the area of Turkish provocations, taking key positions, ready to react,” an official from the Ministry of National Defence said.
It is recalled the Turkish research vessel returned to Turkey mid-September after violating the Greek and Cypriot continental shelf and maritime space for over a month, “allow for diplomacy” before a European Union summit.
At the summit, the bloc condemned Turkish unilateral actions and threatened consequences.
On Monday, Turkish Energy Minister Fatih Donmez said that the Oruç Reis “is currently making 2D seismic surveys” and estimated that it will complete its work in two months. If the ship finds an area “with high expectations,” Ankara will deploy a drilling ship.
On Tuesday, Greece issued three NAVTEX messages, announcing aeronautical firing exercises in the vicinity of Agios Eystratios and Limnos islands, to which Turkey responded with two of its own.
Source: greekcitytimes.com
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