VA health care facilities celebrate Veterans Day 2020
Charleston VA is hosting a virtual Veterans Day parade to honor its Veterans and show community support for their service to our nation. The event will be broadcast on the Ralph H. Johnson VAMC Facebook
Today at 11 a.m. local time, the Bay Pines, Florida, VA will host a Veterans Day virtual ceremony on Facebook LIVE with keynote speaker retired Major General James S. “Hommer” Hartsell, Hartsell’s awards and decorations include the Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star and Combat Action Ribbons. He served in combat in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He is also a Marine Corps Distinguished Pistol Shooter.
Video online from Miami, Florida, VAMiami VA is celebrating a virtual Veterans Day. The staff will share online, through the inpatient GetWell Network system, a video compilation of photos and videos that Veterans, staff and the community submitted.
Drive-Thru celebration in Lake City, FloridaA Veterans Day drive-thru celebration was held at the Lake City, Florida, VA.
Gift bags and prime rib at Danville, IllinoisThe Danville, Illinois, VA medical center will pass out goody bags to Veterans who enter the facility. It will also serve a prime rib lunch to Veterans who reside at the facility. There will be a special Veterans Day video message from facility’s leadership team on the hospital’s in-house television station.
Art exhibit at Alexandria, LouisianaAlexandria VA Health Care System marked the day with an Employee Veterans Day Art Exhibit and a Virtual Veterans Day Program.
90th anniversary and lots more at Coatesville, PennsylvaniaSee the full schedule of Veterans Day events at the Coatesville, Pennsylvania, VA. Events will include:
A virtual Celebration of Faith on Facebook and CCTV channel 40.A community living center (CLC) luncheon, by invitation.A photo gallery dedication.Personal messaging to Veterans, virtual on Facebook.Gift distribution to the units.Governor speaks at Providence, Rhode Island, VAThe Providence VA Veterans Day Ceremony will be virtual, broadcast from the Rhode Island State House with remarks by Gov. Gina Raimondo.
Breakfast for Veterans at VA Texas Valley Coastal Bend Health Care SystemTexas Valley VA will celebrate Veterans Day on Facebook with interviews from three Veterans. It will also hand out thank you cards and pins provided to Veterans at the Health Care Center at Harlingen and provide a breakfast for patients at the Harlingen Outpatient Clinic. There also will be a food distribution drive at the Corpus Christi Specialty Clinic and at the McAllen Outpatient Clinic.
Medical Group speaker at Hampton, VirginiaHampton VA Medical Center will broadcast live on Facebook with WebEx remarks by guest speaker Col. Kathleen Mackey, of the 633rd Medical Group.
The post VA health care facilities celebrate Veterans Day 2020 appeared first on ARMYNOW.NET.
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