What to expect during a VA virtual career fair
There’s no question that job searches have become increasingly virtual. Email, digital job boards and even video interviews are quickly replacing physical resumes, classified ads and traditional interviews. Virtual job fairs are the latest development in this trend, and they’ve seen another
While they lack face-to-face interaction, online career fairs offer more flexibility and less time commitment. If you are seeking a position in another city, you can chat with recruiters without leaving home.
VA is one of many employers moving to online career events, including job fairs, for the remainder of 2020. We host events through Brazen, a popular virtual job fair software, and take part in virtual events hosted by other groups. For instance, we recently participated in a health care technology management virtual career fair for biomedical engineers.
What to expectIf you’ve never been to a virtual job fair before, the prospect of attending one might feel a little confusing and even daunting.
Like a traditional job fair, virtual career fairs bring together employers and job seekers for a set period of time on a particular date. But instead of face-to-face interaction, you’ll connect via text, web chat, video conferencing or email.
“Make sure you find a virtual career fair that is a good match. You want to attend one for the occupation you’re seeking,” recommended Mike Owens, recruitment marketing program specialist at VA.
Once you’ve found a fair that interests you, the first step is to register and upload a resume. VA’s virtual career fairs are free to job seekers.
From there, every virtual career fair is set up a little differently depending on the host.
VA’s online career fairs include a 10-15 minute pre-scheduled text chat with a recruiter, during which you can learn about jobs that are available in your area and get tips on submitting a stand-out application.
“To make the most of your appointment, ask as many questions as possible to the VA reps and make sure you prepare them ahead of time,” Owens said.
You can use a smartphone, tablet or computer with a reliable internet or wireless connection to connect. Our virtual career fairs are compatible with all internet browsers but work best with Chrome.
For job fairs with multiple employers, you might see a simple list of employers while others will use virtual environments to simulate a real-world career fair. While you can often move at your own pace, some fairs have specific times for chats, webcasts or online presentations with companies.
Work at VAConsidering a VA career? A virtual event is the perfect way to learn more from the comfort of your own home.
EXPLORE upcoming events.LEARN more about the VA hiring process and benefits of a VA career.STAY in touch via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Glassdoor.SEARCH VA careers by keyword at www.VAcareers.va.gov.Source: blogs.va.gov
The post What to expect during a VA virtual career fair appeared first on ARMYNOW.NET.
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