Μπούλινγκ σε reviewer επειδή έβαλε... 7 στο Zelda
Ενώ το Zelda: Breath of the Wild μαζεύει το ένα 10άρι μετά το άλλο, κάποιος... τόλμησε να του βάλει χαμηλότερη βαθμολογία. Μιλάμε για τον γνωστό δημοσιογράφο Jim Sterling, πρώην μέλος των Destructoid και The Escapist, ο οποίος βαθμολόγησε με 7 το Zelda: Breath of the Wild, προκαλώντας την οργή των φαν του παιχνιδιού. Από χθες που δημοσίευσε το review
"Drink bleach, you fat miserable cunt."
Hahaha, Zelda fans found the review already.
— Jim RESISTerling (@JimSterling) March 12, 2017
This is just... beyond there. Persuasion capital? No longer tied for best rated game? What even IS this person? pic.twitter.com/A5JLL5UYGB
— Jim RESISTerling (@JimSterling) March 12, 2017
Support is telling me the site's being DDoS'd again. I guess the Zelda hypesters couldn't let No Man's Sky's zealots outdo them.
— Jim RESISTerling (@JimSterling) March 12, 2017
Angry Zelda fans are now attempting to hijack my website and twitter.
— Jim RESISTerling (@JimSterling) March 13, 2017
Just maybe try playing your 10/10 game instead of harassing people who liked it but not as much as you. Game can't be that great otherwise.
— Jim RESISTerling (@JimSterling) March 13, 2017
Oh, a couple hundred Zelda fanatics who think I should be murdered. https://t.co/IvtEPSZZGH
— Jim RESISTerling (@JimSterling) March 13, 2017
"hope your few clicks were worth the bad press you will get from now on Jim, seriously."
— Jim RESISTerling (@JimSterling) March 13, 2017
"You've just ruined this industry by bashing on a masterpiece. Shame on you!"
— Jim RESISTerling (@JimSterling) March 13, 2017
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