Προ των πυλών το 1.4 update του Skyrim

To σημαντικότερο update του Skyrim μέχρι στιγμής, είναι προ των πυλών και θα έχει βγει πριν το τέλος του μήνα. Το 1.4 update διορθώνει πολλά προβλήματα, συμπεριλαμβανομένου του γνωστού με το lag στο PS3. Αναλυτικά οι αλλαγές παρακάτω. Σύμφωνα με τη Bethesda, σχεδόν έτοιμα είναι επίσης τα Creation

Kit και Steam Workshop. Εσείς απολαμβάνετε ακόμα το Skyrim;


Skyrim launcher support for Steam Workshop (PC)


General optimizations for memory and performanceFixed occasional issue with armor and clothing not displaying properly when placed on mannequin’s in player’s house. (PS3)Improved compiler optimization settings (PC)Long term play optimizations for memory and performance (PS3)Memory optimizations related to scriptingFixed crashes related to pathing and AIFixed crash in Haemar’s Shame if player had already completed “A Daedra’s Best Friend”Fixed rare crash with loading saved gamesFixed issue with accented characters not displaying properly at the end of a lineMaster Criminal achievement/trophy unlocks properly in French, German, Spanish and ItalianFixed issue where dragon priest masks would not render correctlyFixed issue where quests would incorrectly progress after reloading a saveFixed issues with placing and removing books from bookshelves in the player’s homeFixed issue where weapon racks and plaques would not work correctly in player’s house if player immediately visits their house before purchasing any furnishing.Fixed issue where the player house in Windhelm would not clean up properlyFixed crash related to giant attacks and absorb spellsFixed issue with ash piles not cleaning up properlyFixed occasional issue where overwriting an existing save would failFixed memory crash with container menuFixed infinite loop with bookshelvesFixed issue where traps in Shalidor’s Maze would not work properly in French, German, Spanish and Italian versionsFixed issue where transforming back to human from werewolf would occasionally not failBows and daggers will display properly when placed on weapon racks


The Unusual Gem inside the Thalmor Embassy is now accessible after finishing “Diplomatic Immunity”In “Breaching Security”, the quest token is no longer required to receive a fortune reading from Olava the FeebleFixed issue where Galmar would not complete Joining the Stormcloaks properly if “Season Unending” was an active questFixed issue where starting “Season Unending” after finishing “Joining the Stormcloaks” would prevent “The Jagged Crown” from starting properly.Fixed issue progressing through “Message to Whiterun” while “Season Unending” was still open would block progression for both quests.In “Arniel’s Endeavor”, fixed issue where a quest journal would trigger multiple timesIn “Forbidden Legend”, the amulet fragment can no longer disappear after player leaves a dungeon without taking itFixed rare issue in “Forbidden Legend” where killing Mikrul Gauldurson while sneaking would make his corpse unac
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