Dive into Award-Winning Greek Cinema: Onassis Foundation Presents Online Festival
For the fifth year running, the Onassis Foundation is thrilled to offer a curated selection of award-winning Greek short films online! From October 16th at 9:00 PM, viewers worldwide can access 22 acclaimed films
This exciting online festival runs for 10 days, allowing you to explore the diverse cinematic landscape of Greece from the comfort of your home.
This year's lineup features films from both the Drama International Short Film Festival and the Athens International Film Festival "Premiere Nights."
Thematic richness abounds, with stories delving into human relationships, childhood experiences, various forms of violence, coming-of-age journeys, and rural life in Greece.
The poignant and thought-provoking films serve as mirrors, reflecting both our inner worlds and the complexities of the external world.
Highlights from the FestivalLight from Light: This audacious film explores the connection between metaphysical enlightenment and the power of light captured on film, offering a unique cinematic experience.
Unorthodox: This thought-provoking short examines the fragility of humanity and the hypocrisies woven into societal structures.
Midnight Skin & Kafka's Porn Collection: Explore personal stories through compelling narratives: "Midnight Skin" offers a deeply emotional viewing experience, while "Kafka's Porn Collection" takes an imaginative approach to the author's life and struggles.
The Crossing & Days of a Lilac Summer: Witness the power of love to disrupt and reshape life's path in "The Crossing," while "Days of a Lilac Summer" portrays a rebellious teenager navigating desire and longing for a father figure.
A Festival for EveryoneThe selection caters to diverse tastes. From the fierce and emotional exploration of childhood mortality in "Angry Fish" to the daily struggle for survival captured in "Airline," these films offer a range of themes and emotions.
Other Notable Films:Buffer Zone: A powerful story of love as a beacon of hope.
The Summer I First Saw the Sun Set: A film that reflects on the significance of first experiences and life's transitions.
Arizona & Good Girls Club: A Virginity Odyssey: Explore themes of disillusionment, identity, and the complexities of friendship during different life stages.
The Parade & Athens, My Love: Immerse yourself in a student rebellion against societal norms in "The Parade," and delve into Athens' political history through a unique lens in "Athens, My Love."
Further Explorations of LifeThe Greenhouse: Witness the challenges one faces in pursuing dreams.
The Armchair on the Sidewalk: A poignant reflection on the joys and sorrows of life, particularly highlighting societal perceptions of the elderly.
The festival extends to films like "Super" (exploring heartbreak), "Sea Urchin" (pushing the boundaries of human connection), "The Diary of Sexual Solitude" (offering a raw exploration of desire), and "The Chaos She Left Behind" (highlighting the enduring nature of love).
Rounding off the selection are narratives such as the gangster story "Little Doggie" and the exploration of freedom and conflict in "A Piece of Liberty." With its diverse array of narratives and artistic styles, the Onassis Foundation's online short film festival offers a captivating glimpse into the vibrant world of Greek cinema. Don't miss this opportunity to discover and celebrate the best Greek short films from October 16th to 26th
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