Greece Launches Largest-Ever Housing Initiative for Armed Forces Personnel
Greece is launching the largest housing initiative in the history of its Armed Forces, aiming to address the pressing accommodation needs of military personnel stationed in key regions.
Deputy Minister of National Defense Ioannis Kefalogiannis made the announcement during an appearance on ERT’s show Connections, where he outlined the program’s first
The new residences will primarily serve military families in the Evros region and the eastern Aegean islands.
The project will begin with the construction of 232 homes in towns such as Orestiada, Didymoteicho, Soufli, Alexandroupoli, and Samothrace. Additionally, 560 homes will be built on larger islands like Lesbos, Samos, Kos, and Rhodes, as well as on smaller islands like Karpathos and Symi. In recognition of the acute housing shortages in some popular tourist destinations, homes will also be constructed in high-demand areas such as Mykonos and Santorini.
According to Mr. Kefalogiannis, this ambitious housing initiative is not just about infrastructure—it is designed to provide an indirect financial benefit to military personnel and alleviate the strain on their family budgets.
“This program will help ease some of the financial pressures on our personnel and reward them for the vital work they do in safeguarding our national integrity,” Mr. Kefalogiannis said.
In addition to the housing project, Mr. Kefalogiannis touched on Greece's readiness to support Greek citizens living abroad. In light of recent tensions in the Middle East, he highlighted a C-130 military flight to Lebanon as part of ongoing efforts to assist the estimated 2,500 to 3,000 Greeks residing there.
While not all Greek citizens in Lebanon have requested repatriation, Kefalogiannis assured that, if necessary, Greece’s Armed Forces would be ready to facilitate evacuations, in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The housing program is currently in the tendering phase, with the goal of completing the first 800 homes by 2026.
The project will then expand to include an additional 700 homes across Athens, Thessaloniki, and other mainland locations, bringing the total number of new homes to 1,500. Importantly,15%*of these homes will be reserved for social use, benefiting public servants such as doctors, nurses, and teachers who are posted far from their home regions.
As tensions escalate in the Middle East, Greece has been closely monitoring the situation and preparing for potential ramifications, particularly regarding migration.
Mr. Kefalogiannis noted that, as a key entry point to the European Union, Greece is on alert for any large-scale movements of populations that may arise as a result of the conflict. “We have taken all necessary measures to be prepared in case of such an influx and are ready to manage it effectively, including providing temporary accommodation for any arrivals,” he explained.
In a wider international context, Mr. Kefalogiannis affirmed Greece’s neutrality in the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict, reiterating that while Israel has the right to defend itself, the humanitarian crisis in Palestine requires urgent attention. Greece, he emphasized, is contributing to UN missions in the region, particularly in maritime surveillance, alongside other nations participating in efforts to stabilize the area.
Domestically, the Deputy Minister also announced legislative efforts aimed at extending the service age for professional soldiers beyond the current limit of 50 years, addressing a key concern for military personnel approaching retirement age.
Greece's contributions to international maritime security were further underscored by the country's involvement in Operation Shields, a European naval mission. The Greek frigate Spetsai is currently stationed in the Red Sea, operating in tandem with other European vessels.
Kefalogiannis also pointed out that Larissa serves as the operational headquarters for the mission, playing a pivotal role in coordinating Europe's response to the challenges in the region.
This large-scale housing initiative, alongside Greece’s active engagement in international security efforts, reflects the government's commitment to improving the welfare of its Armed Forces personnel while maintaining its responsibilities on the global stage.
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