Mitsotakis Charts Course on Greece’s Future Amid Global and Regional Challenges
Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis outlined his government’s approach to pressing foreign policy issues, constitutional reform, and the evolving landscape of global diplomacy during a recent wide-ranging discussion.
Highlighting both challenges and opportunities, he reaffirmed Greece’s commitment to principled policies while laying out a vision for stability and progress at home and abroad.
On Greek-Turkish
He noted that for the past eight months, there had been no airspace violations, marking a significant shift in relations.
However, he cautioned against unrealistic expectations for swift breakthroughs, particularly on contentious issues like maritime zones. “I see no immediate prospects for significant progress,” he said, adding that while Greece has no illusions about the complexity of these issues, it remains committed to peaceful coexistence.
He also made it clear that while his government seeks to avoid unnecessary tensions, Greece stands ready to defend its national interests if required.
Turning to global geopolitics, Mr. Mitsotakis characterized Greece’s foreign policy as one based on enduring values, even when such positions come at a domestic cost. He cited Greece’s unequivocal support for Ukraine as a demonstration of its commitment to international norms and sovereignty. “We stood with Ukraine because it was the right thing to do, not because it was popular,” he remarked. Reflecting on NATO’s collective responsibilities, he also echoed sentiments previously expressed by former U.S. President Donald Trump about the need for fairer burden-sharing in defense spending among member nations.
On Turkey’s evolving role in the region, Mr. Mitsotakis acknowledged Ankara’s increasing influence but urged caution, stating, “It’s too early to determine the long-term implications of Turkey’s current trajectory.”
Mr. Mitsotakis also highlighted the growing significance of artificial intelligence in shaping the future of diplomacy and economic growth. Describing AI as “the foreign policy of the future,” he pointed to Greece’s emergence as a hub for major technology companies, including those establishing data centers in the country.
He argued that these investments strengthen Greece’s international standing and provide it with new avenues for influence in an increasingly interconnected world.
On domestic matters, Mr. Mitsotakis addressed the upcoming elections, confirming that the next national vote, set for 2027, would proceed under the current electoral law.
The only exception, he noted, would be adjustments to enable Greeks living abroad to participate more fully in the electoral process.
“Institutional stability is paramount,” he said, underscoring his commitment to preserving the integrity of Greece’s democratic framework. He ruled out any immediate changes to the electoral system, noting that the government’s strategic focus remains on long-term planning rather than short-term political gains.
The Prime Minister also spoke about his plans for constitutional reform, outlining a timeline that begins in late 2025 and continues into 2026.
He expressed his desire for a “bold and comprehensive” approach to reform, noting that significant changes require broad political consensus.
While acknowledging the challenges posed by a fragmented Parliament, he voiced optimism that Greece’s political class could rise to the occasion and reach the necessary agreements.
“A process like this demands unity and responsibility,” he said, pointing to past examples of successful constitutional revisions as a source of inspiration.
Reflecting on Greece’s political trajectory over recent decades, Mr. Mitsotakis drew comparisons between past periods of instability and the present.
He described how his government has worked to maintain a steady course despite economic and political turbulence.
“The country’s journey has not been linear,” he said, referencing Greece’s struggles during the financial crisis and political upheavals of the previous decade.
Highlighting his own party’s consistency in upholding its values, he contrasted this stability with what he described as the reactive and opportunistic approaches of other political groups.
“The principles we stand for have been tested and proven over time,” he stated.
Mr. Mitsotakis also emphasized the importance of humility and connection with the public, noting that effective governance requires leaders to remain attuned to the concerns of everyday citizens.
“The greatest danger is arrogance and isolation within the prime minister’s office,” he warned. He underscored his commitment to engaging directly with people across the country, stating that such interactions are vital for ensuring that policies remain grounded in reality.
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