DIMAR leader: Primary surplus could have been achieved with another policy

Democratic Left (DIMAR) leader Fotis Kouvelis on Thursday addressed his party’s parliamentary group and reiterated his opposition to the government’s choice to allocate 70 percent of the primary surplus to those in the uniformed forces and the low pensioners.

Kouvelis asked that this amount be distributed, in priority, to those who live

below the poverty line, to those without income, to the young unemployed and to safeguard healthcare.

He criticised the government policy saying that the «primary surplus could have been succeeded with another policy. Not with over-taxation or the enormous decrease in salaries and with cutbacks to necessary social expenses.» He added that without a change of policy and turn to growth, the achievement of a primary surplus will not be possible in the future.

Kouvelis stressed that the political stability is not identified with conservatism and this policy is not the only choice. «For DIMAR-Progressive Cooperation, the safeguarding of the European unification of a Europe of democracy, of labour, growth and solidarity consists the hard core of the political and ideological plan for a better Europe

source: ΑΜΝΑ

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