Community providers: online courses about Veteran care
Do you have an interest in gaining deeper knowledge on caring for the Veteran population? VA is offering new online courses to community providers. Subjects include military culture, suicide prevention and other topics unique to caring for Veterans.
The courses are one hour long
Completion of these courses through VHA TRAIN ensures community providers are equipped with general knowledge of basic information about mental and physical health diagnoses common in Veterans.
Learn more and registerVisit any of the following courses to learn more:
Community Care Provider: A Perspective for Veteran Care. This course is an introduction to military culture, suicide awareness and prevention. It also covers military sexual trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury.MISSION ACT 133: A Core Training on Military Sexual Trauma (MST) for Community Medical Professional. This 0.5-hour accredited course designed to provide brief training on key information related to the care of Veterans who experienced MST.MISSON ACT 133: Core Training for Military Sexual Trauma (MST) for Community Mental Health Provider. This 1.5-hour accredited course designed to provide training on key information related to the care of Veterans who experienced MST.MISSION ACT 133: Traumatic Brain Injury. This 1-hour accredited course designed to provide general training and resources on military culture, suicide prevention, and other topics unique to caring for Veterans.MISSION ACT Section 133: PTSD Course. This 3-hour accredited course designed to provide basic information on the diagnosis and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).To attend, community providers must be registered in VHA TRAIN with an NPI number. If you need help with course subjects or competencies, contact VHA TRAIN help at
For more information, contact
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