Elbit US subsidiary awarded $29M in orders to upgrade US Army pilots night vision systems
Elbit Systems Ltd. (NASDAQ: ESLT, TASE: ESLT) (“Elbit Systems”) announced today that its U.S. subsidiary, Elbit Systems of America, LLC (“Elbit Systems of America”), recently was awarded two orders with an aggregate value of approximately $29 million by the U.S. Army’s Program Executive Office
Under the orders, Elbit Systems of America will upgrade the U.S. Army active duty and National Guard rotary-wing aviation units’ AN/AVS-6 Aviator’s Night Vision Imaging Systems (ANVIS) with high performance white phosphor image intensifier tubes. The night vision upgrade to the U.S. Army fleet’s legacy ANVIS goggles will replace the existing green image intensification. White phosphor enhances the ANVIS goggles as it presents visuals in black and white detail, which may appear more natural to the eye. The new image intensification tubes will also provide better contrast, along with high image resolution at greater distances for pilots.
Raanan Horowitz, President and CEO of Elbit Systems of America, said: “U.S. Army pilots can successfully achieve their mission and fly with confidence in any light conditions. Upgrading the U.S. Army aviation fleet’s goggles to high performance white phosphor provides improved clarity. Whether soldiers are on the ground or in the air, our team is committed to providing advanced capabilities to the U.S. Army to suit their evolving night vision needs.”
Source: asdnews.com
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