Greece, Egypt call on Biden to be engaged in eastern Mediterranean
Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said on Wednesday that he expects U.S. President-elect Joe Biden’s new administration to play a more active role in the eastern Mediterranean, the Associated Press reported.
“We have every reason to welcome, along with all our partners in the region, the return of the United States to its central role as
A dispute over hydrocarbon resources in the eastern Mediterranean has triggered a barrage of conflicting maritime claims, increasing political tensions between Turkey, Greece and other regional powers. Turkey’s assertive stance is being challenged by a bloc comprising Greece, Cyprus, Egypt and Israel.
“I believe that Greece and Egypt will welcome and have a positive attitude toward the determination of America’s contribution to the events of the Middle East and the eastern Mediterranean in our troubled region,” Mitsotakis said.
Turkey’s deployment of its seismic research ship Oruç Reis to disputed waters near the Greek island of Kastellorizo in August led to a military buildup by Turkey, Greece and its allies, which include France and the United Arab Emirates.
Michael Carpenter, a foreign policy adviser to Biden, said that the new administration would seek closer cooperation with France, Germany and other European nations to combat Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s aggressive moves in the region.
“I do think and I am hopeful that when a President Erdoğan sees a united front, that suggests that there is room for cooperation, but also that there are very negative consequences to pursuing a more aggressive policy, then he will have a rethink,” Carpenter said during a diplomatic conference organised in Greece on Monday.
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