Program offers free financial education to Veterans

01:04 17/5/2021 - Πηγή: Armynow

It has been a year of health challenges for the world, but for many, COVID-19 has posed economic challenges as well. That is why VA teamed up with Prudential Financial to offer the monthly Wellness Wednesday Financial Education series

to Veterans, transitioning service members and their families at no cost. The event occurs on the third Wednesday of every month.

The next seminar, focused on personal financial health, is scheduled for May 19.

May’s class, “7 Financial Tips for Life,” covers tracking your spending, paying down debt, preparing for what lies ahead and more. You can register here, or email for more information about the seminar.

There are two sessions available:

1 – 2 p.m. Eastern Time

1 – 2 p.m. Pacific Time

The April Wellness Wednesday seminar, which focused on budgeting and the importance of building an emergency savings fund, was held April 21. Participants rated the event highly, with overall satisfaction, seminar content and delivery, pace and meeting size all rated over 90%.

Participants also have access to the Financial Wellness Center, a digital portal focused on learning, with over 100 short educational articles and interactive tools that include financial self-assessment, budgeting and student loan assistance and counseling.

In addition to the Wellness Wednesday Financial Education series, please check out VA’s many financial resources that can help you and your family manage, secure and protect your financial health and well-being.

For more information, please contact or 1-844-592-8993.

This link is provided only for informational purposes. VA neither endorses nor officially sanctions Prudential or its products. The sharing of any non-VA information does not constitute an endorsement of products and services on the part of VA.

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