Sirens in Northern Israel, rockets fall in Lebanon
Six rockets were launched from Lebanon, all of which fell in within Lebanese territory, the IDF reported.
Sirens were sounded late Monday night in Israel’s Upper Galilee communities near the Lebanese border, as residents from the Misgav Am and Metulla area reported hearing sounds of an explosion.
Six rockets were launched from Lebanon, all of which fell short of the border and landed within Lebanese territory,
A Lebanese security source said shells were heard being fired from south Lebanon and efforts were being made to identify the location. The source said about 22 shells were fired by Israeli artillery on Lebanese territory.
There were no reports of casualties or damage, and the shelling did not appear to signal the opening of a new front in Israel’s fighting with militants in the Gaza Strip.
It was the second incident of cross-border fire in the past week. On Thursday, three rockets were launched from Lebanon toward northern Israel but landed in the Mediterranean Sea, causing no damage or casualties.
Israel fought a 2006 war against Hezbollah guerrillas, who have sway in southern Lebanon and advanced rockets. The border has been mostly quiet since then.
Small Palestinian factions in Lebanon have fired sporadically on Israel in the past
As a result of the incident, bomb shelters have been opened in northern communities located within 0.4km of the border, N12 news said, though the communities were not urged to enter the shelters or discontinue their daily routines.
Additionally, the IDF shot light flares into the air along the Lebanon border to verify that there were no infiltration attempts, N12 added.
Source: The Jerusalem Post
The post Sirens in Northern Israel, rockets fall in Lebanon appeared first on ARMYNOW.NET.
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