Εκπαίδευση: 27 Υποτροφίες στο εξωτερικό
11:25 28/5/2018
- Πηγή: Dimosio
Ευκαιρία σπουδών στο εξωτερικών έχουν χιλιάδες νέοι. Το Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης παρουσιάζει “ανοιχτά” προγράμματα υποτροφιών τα οποία υλοποιούνται από διάφορα πανεπιστημιακά ιδρύματα του κόσμου.1PhD Scholarship in deep learning for automatic detection and quantification of the disease areas of the myocardium from DE-MRI after myocardial infarctionUniversity Bourgogne Franche-ComtéBesançon, FranceDeadLine : June 30th, 20182Postdoctoral Fellow/Researcher – Investment and Institutional Analyst for Resource Recovery and Reuse (RRR) Business
DevelopmentInternational Water Management InstituteColombo, Sri Lanka3Postdoctoral Researcher (or PhD student) in Neuroimaging – NeurophotonicsUniversity of LeuvenLeuven, BelgiumDeadLine : June 30, 20184Postdoctoral Position – Alkali-Activated MaterialUniversity of LeuvenLeuven, BelgiumDeadLine : July 31, 20185PhD position – Solidification Process of Alkali-Activated MaterialsUniversity of LeuvenLeuven, BelgiumDeadLine : July 31, 20186Post Doctoral Researcher in WEEE ManagementUniversity of LimerickLuimneach, IrelandDeadLine : 1st June 20187Post Doctoral Researcher in Machine Learning (2 positions)University of LimerickLuimneach, IrelandDeadLine : 1st June 20188Post Doctoral Researcher in Machine Learning and Image ProcessingUniversity of LimerickLuimneach, IrelandDeadLine : 31st May 20189Postdoctoral in the Control Systems and Technologies DepartmentPeter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU)RussiaDeadLine : 2018-06-3010Research Fellow in Vibration Condition Monitoring of MachineryUniversity of HuddersfieldWest Yorkshire, United KingdomDeadLine : Jun 04Επιστήμες Πληροφορικής (5 θέσεις)1PhD Scholarship in deep learning for automatic detection and quantification of the disease areas of the myocardium from DE-MRI after myocardial infarctionUniversity Bourgogne Franche-ComtéBesançon, FranceDeadLine : June 30th, 20182Post Doctoral Researcher in Machine Learning (2 positions)University of LimerickLuimneach, IrelandDeadLine : 1st June 20183Post Doctoral Researcher in Machine Learning and Image ProcessingUniversity of LimerickLuimneach, IrelandDeadLine : 31st May 20184Postdoctoral Researcher in GenomicsUniversity of OstravaOstrava, Czech RepublicDeadLine : 3Oth June 20185Postdoctoral in the Control Systems and Technologies DepartmentPeter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU)RussiaDeadLine : 2018-06-30Οικονομικές Επιστήμες (1 θέση)1Postdoctoral Fellow/Researcher – Investment and Institutional Analyst for Resource Recovery and Reuse (RRR) Business DevelopmentInternational Water Management InstituteColombo, Sri LankaΝομική Επιστήμη (1 θέση)1Post-doctoral Fellowship: Faculty of LawStellenbosch UniversitySouth AfricaDeadLine : 15 Jun 2018Επιστήμες Ζωής (10 θέσεις)1Research Fellow in Plant molecular biologyThe University of QueenslandAustraliaDeadLine : 07 Jun 20182PhD position in bone tissue engineeringUniversity of BaselBasel, SwitzerlandDeadLine : June 12, 20183Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at TeagascTEAGASC – The Agriculture and Food Development AuthorityCarlow, IrelandDeadLine : 25th June 20184PhD-Student (f/m) at the Research Department “Experimental Neurodegeneration”Universitätsmedizin GöttingenGöttingen, GermanyDeadLine : June 15th, 20185Staff Scientist / Postdoc – Functional Cancer GenomicsGerman Cancer Research CenterHeidelberg, Germany6Post-doctoral Researchers in Stem Cell ResearchUniversity of HelsinkiHelsinki, FinlandDeadLine : June 30, 20187Postdoctoral Researcher (or PhD student) in Neuroimaging – NeurophotonicsUniversity of LeuvenLeuven, BelgiumDeadLine : June 30, 20188Post Doctoral Researcher (Dairy Processing Technology Centre)University of LimerickLuimneach, IrelandDeadLine : 8th June 20189Postdoctoral Researcher in GenomicsUniversity of OstravaOstrava, Czech RepublicDeadLine : 3Oth June 201810Post doctorate for Grant Application – Biotechnology and plant breedingPontifical Catholic University of ChileSantiago, ChileΠεριβαλλοντικές Επιστήμες (2 θέσεις)1Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at TeagascTEAGASC – The Agriculture and Food Development AuthorityCarlow, IrelandDeadLine : 25th June 20182Post Doctoral Researcher in WEEE ManagementUniversity of LimerickLuimneach, IrelandDeadLine : 1st June 2018Γεωπονικές Επιστήμες (3 θέσεις)1Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at TeagascTEAGASC – The Agriculture and Food Development AuthorityCarlow, IrelandDeadLine : 25th June 20182Post Doctoral Researcher (Dairy Processing Technology Centre)University of LimerickLuimneach, IrelandDeadLine : 8th June 20183Post doctorate for Grant Application – Biotechnology and plant breedingPontifical Catholic University of ChileSantiago, ChileΠολιτικές Επιστήμες (1 θέση)1Wissenschaftliche(r) Mitarbeiter / MitarbeiterinUniversity of BaselBasel, SwitzerlandDeadLine : 31 May 2018Θετικές Επιστήμες (12 θέσεις)1Postdoc (f/m), PhD in Physics, Materials Science, or relatedHelmholtz-Zentrum BerlinBerlin, GermanyDeadLine : 04.07.20182PhD Scholarship in deep learning for automatic detection and quantification of the disease areas of the myocardium from DE-MRI after myocardial infarctionUniversity Bourgogne Franche-ComtéBesançon, FranceDeadLine : June 30th, 20183Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at TeagascTEAGASC – The Agriculture and Food Development AuthorityCarlow, IrelandDeadLine : 25th June 20184Ph.D. Scholarship in Experimental Physics – Dynamics of liquids and solidsRoskilde UniversityDenmarkDeadLine : 1/8/20185PhD candidate : Improving the high temperature oxidation resistance of the titanium by mechanical surface treatmentsUniversity of BurgundyDijon, France6PhD-Student (f/m) at the Research Department “Experimental Neurodegeneration”Universitätsmedizin GöttingenGöttingen, GermanyDeadLine : June 15th, 20187Staff Scientist / Postdoc – Functional Cancer GenomicsGerman Cancer Research CenterHeidelberg, Germany8Postdoctoral Researcher (or PhD student) in Neuroimaging – NeurophotonicsUniversity of LeuvenLeuven, BelgiumDeadLine : June 30, 20189PhD position – Solidification Process of Alkali-Activated MaterialsUniversity of LeuvenLeuven, BelgiumDeadLine : July 31, 201810Postdoctoral Position – Alkali-Activated MaterialUniversity of LeuvenLeuven, BelgiumDeadLine : July 31, 201811Post Doctoral Researcher (Dairy Processing Technology Centre)University of LimerickLuimneach, IrelandDeadLine : 8th June 201812Research Associate/Fellow in ChemistryUniversity of BirminghamUnited KingdomDeadLine : 07 Jun 2018Ανθρωπιστικές Επιστήμες (1 θέση)1Doctoral Position, Project “Global Cultures of Risk” / 100%, fixed term, four yearsUniversity of BaselBasel, SwitzerlandDeadLine : June, 30th, 2018Ιατρική Επιστήμη (2 θέσεις)1Staff Scientist / Postdoc – Functional Cancer GenomicsGerman Cancer Research CenterHeidelberg, Germany2Postdoctoral Researcher (or PhD student) in Neuroimaging – NeurophotonicsUniversity of LeuvenLeuven, BelgiumDeadLine : June 30, 2018Επιστήμες Διοίκησης (1 θέση)1Postdoctoral Fellow/Researcher – Investment and Institutional Analyst for Resource Recovery and Reuse (RRR) Business DevelopmentInternational Water Management InstituteColombo, Sri Lanka
Πληροφορίες και λινκ στο career.duth.gr
εκπαιδευση, business, water, phd, image, systems, vibration, czech, food, cancer, grant, science, project, δημοκριτειο, mri, czech, ευκαιρια, ζωης, προγραμματα, business, water, cancer, food, grant, image, project, phd, science, systems, vibration
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