Taramosalata and its basic ingredient taramas

21:08 7/9/2021 - Πηγή: Argiro
Taramosalata, a traditional Greek mezze based on taramas

Taramosalata is a popular Greek mezze (“appetizer” in Greek) based on tarama, i.e. cod roe. Although it is a traditional Greek mezze, the word “taramas” is actually a loanword from Turkish. In both Greek

and Turkish the word “taramas” means fish roe. The Greek taramosalata is a thick, creamy dip made from vegetable or olive oil, tarama and breadcrumbs and seasonings. Taramosalata is associated with Clean Monday (the Orthodox Mardi Gras), when Greeks prepare dishes based on fasting ingredients, such as taramas. However, this starter with either red or white tarama is a popular mezze throughout the year in both restaurants and tavernas. 

White or red?

Either in fine dining or in home cooking it’s a common secret that the best taramosalata is prepared with white taramas. Premium quality taramas is white, but to be precise taramas’ colour is actually off-white. What makes white tarama special as well as expensive is the fact that is consists of 100% fish roe. By using pure white taramas you will prepare the most amazing version you’ve ever tasted. One can find tarama of various qualities in terms of fish roe consistency. The worst quality taramosalata is the pink one, which is made with very poor quality tarama and contains food colouring. Is goes without saying that the quality of the taramosalata you prepare depends on the quality of tarama you have chosen. 

Quality ingredients and a proper recipe for a perfect tarama spread 

Apart from premium quality tarama the key to a perfect taramosalata are high quality ingredients. Along with taramas, extra virgin olive oil, juicy lemons and fresh seasoning, such as dill are essential for a delicious tarama spread. Also make sure to get a reliable recipe providing clear instructions as to both the ingredients ratio and the steps to follow. With high quality tarama and a good recipe from Argiro you will definitely enjoy a perfect Greek taramosalata. 

Serving suggestions for taramosalata

Serve taramosalata combined with other Greek mezzedes, such as ntolmadakia and marinated anchovies. For a healthy snack enrich your tomato and egg sandwiches with tarama spread. Tarama spread prepared with good quality tarama on toasted home made bread and create your unique Greek tapas. Last but not least, don’t forget to upgrade your Greek mezzedes experience with a glass of ice-cold ouzo. Say “Cheers Stin Ygeia Mas”

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